ScenicView Academy is a school for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and learning disabilities. Our mission is to help individuals diagnosed with Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, Executive Functioning Deficits, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, or Dysgraphia, or other learning disabilities gain skills that lead to independent and fulfilling lives. Through our residential or day-time programming, students learn about their disabilities and how to accommodate for them.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

LDAU Conference at ScenicView

Dear SVA Parents and Family Members,

The Learning Disabilities Association of Utah (LDAU) has recently offered a highly reduced rate for all of you who would like to attend their 2011 annual conference on Friday, March 4. This year’s event is being hosted by ScenicView Academy and will take place right here at our school.

If you would like to attend all or part of this day long event please visit the LDAU website at and click on the EVENTS tab for complete conference information. As a parent or family member of a ScenicView student you may register at the Current Member Conference Fee of only $40.00. If the conference fee is restricting you from being able to participate in this outstanding event and you would like to be considered for a scholarship please contact Jim Murphy, SVA’s Director of Advancement at or (801) 342-3466.

Please see the conference schedule listed below for a complete itinerary of speakers, breakout sessions and events. If you have additional questions please contact ScenicView directly at (801) 226-2550. We hope to see you there!

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